Volunteer with us

Sydney MCS recruits, trains and supports volunteers to visit with an eligible resident either in an aged care facility or at home. The volunteer Community Visitor is matched with a Community Resident according to language and cultural backgrounds and possibly other interests.




The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) program serves culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) residents, who may be isolated by limited family support, language, and cultural barriers.

Sydney MCS recruits, trains and supports volunteers to visit with an eligible resident either in an aged care facility or at home. The volunteer Community Visitor is matched with a Community Resident according to language and cultural backgrounds and possibly other interests.

Visits take place at least once a fortnight for an hour or two. Activities may include conversation, games, watching TV, listening to music, reading, reminiscing or other activities depending on the capacity of the resident.


We will accompany you on your first visit to meet the Resident for the first time. You may then decide whether you would like to continue to visit with this resident at least once a fortnight.

When you are ready to commence visits, you will need to sign an Acceptance of Duties which outlines your role and a Deed of Confidentiality.


Training will be provided on issues related to ageing, cultural and linguistic diversity as well as staying safe and healthy, ideas for visits, providing feedback, and other helpful resources. The CVS coordinator is available to help with any concerns and will contact you regularly to ensure you are happy with your current arrangement.

As a volunteer, you are eligible for a range of community service courses offered by Learning and Development Training Organisations.

Volunteerting Opportunities 

Please click the link below for the volunteering opportunities.

Volunteering opportunities with Sydney Multicultural Community Services

New volunteering opportunities are constantly available for our Community Visitors Scheme. Please apply to become a volunteer with us by contacting us at the button below. 

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